All Purpose Super Glue is newly formulated instant adhesive that bonds more surfaces and is faster, stronger and longer lasting then the ordinary Super Glue. It work well on both porous and non-porous materials.
All Purpose Super Glue is newly formulated instant adhesive that bonds more surfaces and is faster, stronger and longer lasting then the ordinary Super Glue. It work well on both porous and non-porous materials.
Metal, china, rubber, ceramic, laminated plastic, finger nails, leather, soft leather, vinyl, cork, paper, cardboard, wood, synthetic leather, brick, chipboard, textiles, etc.
Inner Box:50, Outer Carton:1000
A Low VOC construction adhesive formulated to comply with SCAQMD rule #1168. It has strong initial grab on most construction materials, excellent adhesion, and will not slump on vertical surfaces.
Power Glue is newly formulated instant adhesive that bonds more surfaces and is faster, stronger and longer lasting than the ordinary Super Glue. It work well on both porous and non-porous materials.
A high modulus, elastomeric hybrid sealant based on advanced MS Polymer technology. It will form a high strength elastic seal upon curing.
An instant-grab adhesive sealant based on advanced MS Polymer technology. It holds the substrate instantly, reducing the need for bracing requirement.